Safely share sensitive information like passwords, API keys, secrets, credentials, etc.
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Are you sure you want to delete this share link?
Your information is encrypted in-browser using two random generated tokens generated on the server. A shareable url is generated using the encrypted information and one of the two tokens as a query. The encrypted message itself is never stored on the server. Once the link is shared, the user on the receiving end can use the link to decrypt the message. Once the user views the message, all tokens related to the message are permanently deleted from the server, making the share url invalid. Meaning, the message can only be decrypted once.
The shareable url is only valid for 10 minutes by default, after those 10 minutes, the random generated tokens are invalid and the message cannot be decrypted. It is possible to increase the expiration up to 24 hours.
The only risk in this system, are the people involved in the process. This is not a 100% fool-proof system. This tool allows you to share senstive data on channels without having to expose that sensitive data (e.g. sharing API keys through Slack). Obviously, it's essential you share the url with the right contacts. However, if you did sent it to the wrong person. You can delete the URL using the delete form under the 'Delete' tab (just paste the share url there and click delete). You can also visit and view the share link yourself, making the share link invalid.
Sharerable urls are only valid for 10 minutes by default. If someone tries to open a link after the 10 minutes have passed, both tokens are deleted and the link is deemed invalid. Furthermore, the server runs an automated process that deletes expired tokens.
Accidently shared the link in public channels or the wrong people? You can do two things; (1) Use the delete form under the delete tab (just paste the share url and click delete) or (2) open the link yourself, if it hasn't been viewed yet, open the link yourself to invalidate it. Unfortunately, in the case that it's already been viewed, I'm afraid you'll have to change whatever you've sent.